Oct 12
Oct 12
Apr 22
One of the most difficult aspects of this moment in time for me is staying away from others. We may not be able to gather for corporate worship, but we may served the Lord by social-distancing to honor our father and mothers, bearing with the infirmities of our older citizens. Honor in the fifth commandment cuts three ways. It means performing the duties we owe to those who are older / in authority over us (superiors), younger / those under our authority (inferiors), and our equals.
Jan 30
Christian worship becomes the place to call one another to celebrate the collective imagination, the shared history, the true saga beneath all stories, the gospel which brings human flourishing for the blood-bought lambs, and through them, hope for the world. God’s story of redemption is our story, too. We must tell it and show it and live it together. It is the foundation of our being, belonging and behaving. It is the way we roll as the people of God.
Nov 15
Within the growing Tulsa Metro population Trinity is a training ground in which we learn to integrate the gospel into all spheres of life and work--whether at home, on the job, or at school-- viewing ourselves as a gospel-centered people who believe grace changes everything.
Feb 28
There are good times to practice fasting and confession of sin. Lent provides such a time if it can be used as a tool not a rule for your sanctification.
Nov 21
Feb 15