Trinity exists to show that that grace changes everything in Jesus Christ by equipping you to rest in worship, grow in community, and rediscover your calling to change the world. We are a people who are courageously vulnerable, curious and compassionate, new-to-the-faith and new-to-the-area, rural and cosmopolitan, young and old, single and married, ground down and banged up, cynical and hopefilled gathering to enjoy God and extend His Kingdom as a counter-cultural community in a city of great promise and problems.
We proclaim one simple message: that we are more sinful and broken than we can imagine, but also more loved and accepted than we could ever dream -- at the same time -- in Jesus Christ. We are learning together that this good news, the gospel is more beautiful and believable than we ever imagined. We learn that the way up is down. We learn to repent for thinking “we have life all figured out” and look to Jesus for hope. We believe that God’s intentions for our lives are far better than our own dreams, and we grow in our enjoyment of Him and knowledge of ourselves as we extend His glory throughout creation through the gifts He’s given to us.
Within the growing Tulsa Metro population Trinity is a training ground in which we learn to integrate the gospel into all spheres of life and work--whether at home, on the job, or at school-- viewing ourselves as a gospel-centered people who believe grace changes everything.
At Trinity when we say, “grace changes everything” we mean that the gospel is not only the power to reconcile an individual to God (God’s changes our nature by special grace through faith alone), but it is also the power of God to reconcile all creation through the life, death, resurrection and glory of Jesus Christ (God’s common grace). At Trinity we believe most people have not fully grasped the Gospel or its implications. The Kingdom of God is not limited to personal transformation; it is rather a holistic way of re-envisioning everything--home, work, hobbies, parenting, careers--by the power of the Holy Spirit. This understanding of God’s work in redemption through Christ leads us to engage all spheres of life with the Gospel rather than partition our lives into “private” and “public” categories as though certain tasks are done “Christianly” while others were done without reference to the Gospel. At Trinity, we believe grace changes everything!How do we know this? The Gospel is the gospel of grace (Eph 2:8-9). Saving grace belongs to those who personally believe the Gospel. But this particular aspect of salvation does not imply that God’s gracious work ends with “my personal relationship with Jesus.” There are elements of God’s common grace in all sectors of our fallen world, and it is Christ’s intention to one day put to right all that was wronged by the Fall, to make all things new in Him, to re-pristinate a once pristine world where creature existed in harmony with creation and Creator (Col 2; Rev 21). Being called to this living hope Christians are to be agents of reconciliation by fulfilling the Great Commission -- making disciples (Matthew 28:18-20) -- and the Cultural Mandate -- subduing the earth (Genesis 1:27) by the reversal of the world’s values.
Traditionally in the West conservatives have over-emphasized the personal aspects of the Gospel (to the neglect of community and cultural renewal) while liberals have over-emphasized culturally transformative aspects of the Gospel (to the neglect of sin’s presence & depth in the heart). We believe both parties have something to say to us.
To this end Trinity constantly re-thinks how to equip Tulsans to embrace a nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the Gospel in a fallen world where competing institutional powers (e.g., corporation, industry, schools, religious subculture, views of church, etc) chip away at our motivation to live out the Gospel in all spheres of life.
With a population of one million in the Tulsa Metro Area, membership at Trinity becomes a training ground in which we learn to integrate faith and work--whether at home, on the job, or at school-- viewing themselves not as conservative or liberal, baptist of presbyterian, black or white, but rather as Christians in search of new ways to apply the Gospel in their various professions, projects, associations, jobs, sports teams, and community organizations. Our emphasis on the power of the gospel to transform our hearts (repentance and faith), community (forgiveness and love) and world (common grace), equips God’s people to apply Gospel in their respective professional or technical fields. By teaching a comprehensive understanding of the Gospel we hope to connect people to Christ, build Christians into servant-leaders and release them throughout the region to renew culture and to plant new churches for the glory of the Triune God and the good of northeast Oklahoma.
In the end our task is simple but significant: to help people embrace the Gospel for themselves and then provide them with an intellectually coherent and emotionally engaging framework for living out the implications of the Gospel in all of life. The implications for the Gospel in daily public life are powerful to bring about lasting change in all spheres of life in Owasso, Tulsa, & Oklahoma, and Trinity is committed to equipping this generation to apply the Good News of Jesus Christ in a broken but redeemable world.