Eat With Joy: Redeeming God’s Gift of Food
Rachel Stone (InterVarsity Press)
A very fine primer on the theology of eating, a Christian view of food, and the joy of feasting, even in a world of famine. Balanced, inspiring, thoughtful, a must-read for anyone wanting to start thinking about this very human calling.

Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes
Shauna Niequist (Zondervan)
This beloved Christian writer shares luminous reflections on food, the joy of eating, the ministry of hospitality, and -- yes -- includes recipes. Truly lovely writing, nice stories, tasty inspiration for nearly anyone as she reminds us of the goodness of life together, eating well, in families and with others.

Making Peace with the Land: God’s Call to Reconcile with Creation
Fred Bahnson & Norman Wirzba (InterVarsity/Duke Center for Reconciliation)
Part of a very accessible book series about the theology, ethics and practices of reconciliation this small volume invites us to see how God’s redemptive work in Christ allows us to be reconciled to the Earth itself, and explores this by examining our farming practices, our food systems, and the joys of eating well, using local sources and supporting sustainable agricultural practices. Challenging, thoughtful and inspiring.

Supper of the Lamb: A Culinary Reflection
Robert Farrar Capon
Now considered a classic of contemporary food writing, this is the legendary book by the colorful New York Episcopal priest, theologian and respected chef. This is, simply put, a book about the author creating a fine meal of leg of lamb for a dinner party; it is also, some say, a life-changing book about a theology of creation, sacramental spirituality, and an artful, redemptive Christian worldview. A times it is nothing short of breathtaking.

The Spirit of Food: Thirty-fourWriters on Feasting and Fasting Towards God
Edited by Leslie Leland Fields (Wipf & Stock)
Some of the finest writing about food and cooking and eating, by turns glorious and poignant, informative and inspiring. A must-read for anyone who cares about good writing, good food, or faithful, allusive Christian reflections about life in God’s good world of taste and delight. Many of the great essays are published here for the first time, while others (such as an excerpt from Supper of the Lamb or a famous piece by Wendell Berry) have been published elsewhere. Recipes included, too. Fantastic.

Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating
Norman Wirzba (Cambridge University Press)
A serious and dense work by one of our most renowned Christian scholars of environmentalism, and a good friend of new agrarians such as Fred Bahnson, Wendell Berry and Wes Jackson. He grounds our eating in the goodness of creation and suggests ways in which we can think theologically about eating “Eucharistically.”

* These reviews are from a friend of Trinity, Byron Borger. Visit Hearts and Minds Books.