The Gospel is the good news that you are more sinful and broken than you ever dare imagine but also more loved and accepted than you ever dare to dream -- at the same time -- in Jesus Christ.
What is the Gospel? The Gospel is the goods news that God is redeeming and reconciling us and all creation through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus lived the life we should have lived and died the death we deserve to die. His resurrection from the dead is the central fact of both human history and personal meaning in life. By trusting in him and letting go of our self-saving strategies we find life, meaning, joy, and purpose. At Trinity we are a people who are finding freedom and life as we are learning to trust Jesus, let go of our unbelief and fear, and find joy in the mission that he calls us to. Dig even deeper into the meaning of the gospel by clicking here.
We seek to live as a Gospel-centered church. What does that mean?
1. We must KNOW the gospel (gospel content--the head). Most Christians overestimate their own understanding of the gospel message. The gospel is something "into which angels long to look" (1 Peter 1:12). And angels are smarter than you. Which means: if you think you "get" the gospel, you probably don't. We must devote ourselves to an ever-deepening knowledge and appreciation of the gospel of Jesus.
2. We must EXPERIENCE the gospel (gospel power--the heart). The gospel is not just a message to be believed, but a power to be experienced. Until the gospel transforms our motivations, we will obey God primarily out of things like fear, pride, duty, or guilt. Those motivations simply aren't strong enough to sustain lifelong, radical obedience. Only when we begin to live out of our new identity in Christ will we find ourselves loving God deeply in community and obeying him freely.
3. We must LIVE in light of the gospel (gospel witness--the hands). The Gospel is not something we need to understand at the beginning of our Christian life and then move on to other things about being a Christian. The Gospel isn't just for unbelievers to hear so they can be saved. The Gospel is just as much for Christians to know and hear everyday, as it is for someone who doesn't know Jesus yet and needs to believe for the first time.
At Trinity, we assume that most people have not heard or thought out the implications of the gospel. We exist to bring things "in step (literally "in line") with the gospel" (Galatians 2:14) which renews us spiritually, psychologically, corporately, and socially. The gospel is not legalism or liberalism, moralism or relativism, yet it does not produce "something in the middle," but something different from both. The gospel critiques both religion and irreligion (Matthew 21:31), and shows us a God far more holy than the religious can bear (He had to die because we could not satisfy His holy demand) and yet far more merciful than a irreligious can conceive (He had to die because He love us). We believe the Gospel changes everything. Therefore is it central in everything we do at Trinity. Want to learn more? Visit this page.