Join us this Sunday - 10AM Gathered Worship, Barnes Elementary Gym (7809 E 76th St North, Owasso, OK 74055)

Sunday - 9:00AM Discipleship for All Ages

Join Us Sunday: 10am at Barnes Elementary

Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain. They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless. Their wives likewise must be dignified, not slanderers, but sober-minded, faithful in all things. Let deacons each be the husband of one wife, managing their children and their own households well. For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus. (1 Timothy 3:8-13) 


Dan moved to Owasso in 1990 with his family when he was 12. He finds the most value in being a hands-on dad to Grace, Max, and Karsten. He loves camping, sci-fi,playing guitar, mathematical  physics, and hyperbole. He met his wife and probably the best person in the world, Shar, in 2014 and his family grew to six kids and too  many dogs.  Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) introduced Dan to the PCA, which makes the most sense to Dan, a lifelong lover of Jesus. Dan hopes that a hall mark of his life can be that of service to his God, church, family and friends.   




Ron was raised in Columbia, SC as the third of five boys. His father was a Baptist minister and both of my parents were on the faculty of Columbia Bible College. Ron says, "I believe I was saved at an early age and despite times of wondering from God He has kept me in His loving arms by His grace."  Around 2009 Ron's son-in- law introduced him to reformed theology which he says has made a big difference in his life.

Ron and Faith have been married for 45 years. They have three children and eight grandchildren who by the grace of God are following Christ.  They moved to Owasso in 2020 and according to them, "one of the best parts of the move was finding TPC which has been an immense blessing to us."

Ron attended the University of South Carolina and the University of Illinois and spent most of his career writing software.

Dustin (Facebook Post) (Magazine Cover)DUSTIN DYE

Dustin is an Owasso, OK native, baptized at 13 and grew up in independent Christian churches in Tulsa and Owasso. He met his wife Katie of 25 years while attending East Central University in Ada, OK. Katie and Dustin have a son, Alex (21). Dustin holds a Master of Business Administration and is an Internal Audit Manager for Cherokee Nation Businesses. We enjoy a number of fun things including camping, fishing, cooking and volunteering our time with various local charities. The Dye's have been involved in the formation of Trinity Owasso since its inception and look forward to the great things Christ is doing through Trinity.   


I was raised in Tulsa, graduated from Edison HS and then got a Bachelors Degree at Bob Jones University.   I’ve lived up and down the east coast, The Carolina’s, Alabama and Georgia, but made a tour through Detroit where I was fortunate to find my wife Debbie.  Together we have 7 children and 8 grandchildren.  When I’m not working you can find me doing things like golfing, martial arts, recreational shooting sports…  Actually, it’s just a long list of things I like to do, but rarely have time for.   I was fortunate to grow up in a home were God was the center of everything and I came to know him early.   I have a real love for His word and have spent a lot of my life trying to understand more about the incredible God I serve, His glory, power, majesty, holiness and love.  His capacity for love isn’t amazing when you look at the Trinity, but His love for me is.   The more I study, the more I find there is to know.  Kind of like my guitar playing, where I’m just good enough to know how bad I am.   


I was raised in a small farming community just northwest of Toledo, Ohio by my wonderful parents along with two older siblings.  There I learned the value of hard work and service to the Lord. I have a degree from Western Michigan University in Aviation Flight Science.  After college I moved to Wichita, Kansas where I met my wife Adrienne.  From Wichita, Adrienne and I moved to Wichita Falls, Texas and Glendale, Arizona. Together, Adrienne and I have lived in Owasso for 8 years and we have been members of Trinity for over 5 years.  In our free time Adrienne and I enjoy cooking and working in our yard together.  The Good Lord has blessed our family in ways that which we can never repay.  With these blessings, service to my church, community, and neighbors gives me great joy.   

GREG ROBERTS (on sabbatical)

gregGreg grew up in Oklahoma City and went to college at Oklahoma State University, where he got involved in Reformed University Fellowship and met his wife, Caity. Through RUF and Grace PCA in Stillwater, Greg grew in his love for and desire to serve the local church. Upon graduating from OSU in 2014, the Roberts made Tulsa their home and later welcomed their son, Cal, in 2018. Although Greg makes a living as an account manager, his passions lie in spending time with his family, hunting, and studying wildlife conservation and management..   



I was born in Germany and raised as an “Army Brat” around the world until the age of 15. As a sophomore at Raton High in New Mexico, I discovered the sciences and was called to practice medicine. After attending medical school at the University of New Mexico, I matched at OU-Tulsa for residency. It was here during my first year that I met Janice, fell in love, and married. We have two wonderful daughters, Erin and Lindsey. In my free time, I enjoy woodworking, swimming, and playing the guitar.

I have attended Presbyterian churches off and on since my childhood. Janice and I were first introduced to reformed theology after moving to Owasso. We came to Trinity Presbyterian Church about 2 years ago. We admire the love that Blake shows for his congregation and have continued to grow in God’s word with his and other elders’ teachings. 

I am honored to be called to serve as a deacon at Trinity. I pray that the Lord helps me serve this church well and deepen relationships with believers here.