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Christian Teachers in Public Schools: 13 Essentials for the Classroom
Dalene Vickery Parker (Beacon Hill Press)
This is a delightful and very practical guide for ordinary teachers wanting to allow their faith and Biblical values to guide them in their daily work in elementary schools.

The Craft of Christian Teaching: A Classroom Journey
John Van Dyk (Dordt College Press)
Although this was most likely written firstly for those who teach in Reformed Christian schools, the wonderful manner in which the author weaves together foundational Christian perspectives and quite practical skills and practices makes this a “must read” for anyone wanting to integrate faith, educational theory, and healthy classroom leadership.

To Know as We Are Known: Education as a Spiritual Journey
Parker Palmer (HarperOne)
A truly remarkable reflection on the meaning of education, what it means to know, to learn, and to teach, from the perspective of a contemplative educator who knows that learning is life-changing and best approached in community. This could have vast implications for how any teacher considers the calling into education.

Making A Difference: Christian Educators in Public Schools
Donovan Graham (Purposeful Design)
This is a deeply Christian consideration about character formation in the public school classroom. Graham has taught in Christian schools and in public schools, and has offered this work to school teachers mentor students in wise and helpful ways. 

Education for Human Flourishing: A Christian Perspective (Christian Worldview Integration)
Paul Spears & Steven R. Loomis (InterVarsity Academic)
Yet another book in the important “Christian Worldview Integration Series” this may be the most robust consideration in recent years of the meaning of education from a Christian perspective. A strong overview of the history of educational theory, evaluated through the lens of Christian conviction.

Walking with God in the Classroom: Christian Approaches to Teaching and Learning
Harro Van Brummelen (Purposeful Design)
This is unashamedly written to bring greater integration and a transforming vision into the discourse within the context of Christian schools, but it is so wise, so thoughtful, so inspiring, that we heartily recommend it to anyone teaching in any context. This respected author has thought a lifetime about integrating faith and learning and offers here a profoundly integrated , reformational perspective.

Educating All God's Children: What Christians Can--and Should--Do to Improve Public Education for Low-Income Kids
Few evangelical leaders have done so much to alert us to the needs of those in low-income schools as this vibrant author. Here, she invites church folks to care about public schools, to engage the needs of low-income children, and to enter the conversations in civic life advocating for justice for public education. Passionate, inspiring, practical.

Disability and the Gospel: How God Uses Our Brokenness to Display His Grace Michael S. Beates (Crossway)
There are many good books on thinking theologically about handicapping conditions and special education, although many are designed for churches with special needs ministries. Still, anyone working in special education (or in public schools with various sorts of special educators) should think a bit about the nature of disabilities in God’s world. This is a solid, evangelical contribution to the broader Christian conversation about disabilities studies. Very important. Perhaps follow it up with the very nice Same Lake, Different Boat: Coming Alongside People Touched by Disability by Stephanie O. Hubach (Presbyterian & Reformed).

* These reviews are from a friend of Trinity, Byron Borger. Visit Hearts and Minds Books.