Trinity Presbyterian Church exists to glorify the Triune God by showing that grace changes everything in Jesus Christ by equipping you to rest in worship, grow in community, and rediscover your calling.
At Trinity we say, "grace changes everything" because the news of Jesus' death, resurrection and glory is not merely the means by which God reconciles an individual to Himself (by faith alone we are "born again" in Christ--Isa 53:1ff; Eph 2:1, 8-9; 2 Cor 5:21; John 3:1ff), but it is also the means by which God reconciles all creation for His glory (Isa 55:1ff; Col 1:15-20; Acts 3:19-21; Rev 21:5). While many in northeast Oklahoma have grown up in "a Christian home" most people have not fully grasped the gospel or its implications. The Kingdom of God is not limited to personal transformation; it is rather a holistic way of re-envisioning everything—work, rest, hobbies, the arts, parenting, sports, school, professions, grocery shopping, everything—by the power of the Holy Spirit. This understanding of God's work in redeeming our fallen world through Christ leads us to engage all spheres of life with the Gospel rather than partition our lives into "private" and "public" categories as though certain tasks are done "Christianly" while others were done without reference to the gospel. At Trinity, the gospel is central to everything we do because grace changes everything!
This vision of gospel renewal compels us to reorients our lives around the better story of God's grace for sinners in an ever-deepening community life that spills onto the scene with love, service, and humility. The local church is a place where membership isn't earned but given. Grace changes everything! Membership at Trinity provides the context for you to rest from your exhaustion, deepen your community of friendships, live out your calling by the Spirit, grow as a family (or gain one of your own—Mark 10:29), identify the idols of your heart, repent of your self-righteousness, understand your spiritual blindspots, and glorify Christ's work on the cross and not your own performance. In Christ's visible body—the local church—you have all you've ever wanted in the one place you'd never look!
Community groups and strategic church plants throughout Northeast Oklahoma help us reach the lost, letdown, and looking with the gospel. Gathered worship services and morning discipleship courses teach us how to apply a gospel worldview. The holiness of God's beauty and the beauty of God's grace offers us the freedom we crave but cannot earn. Trinity will help you discover that you are more broken than you ever dared to imagine, but also more loved and accepted than you ever dared to dream -- at the same time -- in Jesus Christ. What good news! Do you know it? It can be yours! Come and see! Grace changes everything.