The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief
Francis S. Collins (The Free Press)
One of the world’s leading geneticists, former Director of the Human Genome Project, shows his evangelical view of the creation and how it points him to God, allowing him to hold sincere, intellectually rigorous faith that is not in conflict with scientific investigation. A useful book also for seekers or skeptics who wonder how a serious scientists can come to Christian faith.
The Language of Science and Faith: Straight Answers to Genuine Questions
Karl Giberson & Francis Collins (InterVarsity Press)
A fabulous resource in a helpful question and answer format, offering insights by leading scientists about the alleged tension between faith and science, and showing how the conflict is not essential, that believers can work responsible in science, and that questions of Biblical authority an origins do not have to sidetrack us from the task of raising a witness within the scientific community by doing good scholarship in any field of science.
Not Just Science: Questions Where Christian Faith and Natural Science Intersect
Edited by Dorothy F. Chappell & E. David Cook
This is a wide and useful collection offering some very thoughtful, foundational Christian insights about faith and science, and then compiles chapters on various scholarly fields of science, including physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, biology, mathematics, etc. It includes fantastic essays by practitioners, too, Christians serving in environmental science, computer science, engineering, agronomy, pharmacy, health care sciences, and more.
Questions of Truth: Fifty-one Responses to Questions About God, Science, and Belief
John Polkinghorne & Nicholas Beale (Westminster/John Knox)
It is essential to know the famous and voluminous work of Father John Polkinghorne, an Anglican priest who is also a mathematical physicist and who some consider one of the best advocates for a fruitful conversation between faith and science. You may want to read his fabulous Faith of a Physicist (Fortress), work through some of his titles on quantum physics, or dip in to the large and valuable John Polkinghorne Reader (Templeton Press) but this short question and answer book is a great introduction to his thought.
Science and Its Limits: The Natural Sciences in Christian Perspective
Del Ratzsch (InterVarsity)
Regardless of one’s particular field of study within the sciences, reading something on the philosophy of science – what science is and does, it’s contributions and limits – is essential. This may be the best introduction to this provocative field, offering profound insights rooted in a distinctively Christian worldview. Highly recommended.
Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion and Naturalism
Alvin Plantinga (Oxford University Press)
Dr. Plantinga is a Christian philosopher who is world-renowned, arguably one of the most significant philosophers of our day. In this incisive volume he shows that the alleged conflict between faith and science is not, in fact, such a conflict, but is, rather, a conflict of philosophical ideologies that influence various views of science. A much-discussed and very important work.
Mathematics Through the Eyes of Faith
Russell Howell & James Bradley (HarperOne)
Leaders in Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences, this is their pioneering, important book. Follow it up with the deeper Mathematics in a Post Modern Age: A Christian Perspective, or the intriguing Redeeming Mathematics: A God-Centered Approach authored by polymath Vern S. Poythress.
* These reviews are from a friend of Trinity, Byron Borger. Visit Hearts and Minds Books.