"God does not exclusively fill the human heart. He made mankind to need more than himself. The staggering humility of God to make something that was not to be fully satisfied with the Creator and the creation is incomprehensible." (Allender and Longman, Intimate Allies).

The Bible begins with community. The first chapters of Genesis, which relate to our beginning and our purpose, show off that people were created by God, for God and to be like God. But we were also made with a design deficiency: we don't just function independently, delighted in ourselves. We are also made for relationship with others. "It is not good that man be alone…" (Genesis 2:18). We are made with the capacity and hunger for the relational connection. People long for relationships to complete them. We were made for it—even before sin entered the world in the garden, the first man was lonely, and needed companionship.

The Fall (Genesis 3) didn't just bring a disruption to our relationship with God. Spiritual slavery makes us less than human, less than what we were truly meant for—alienated both from God and other people. Sin makes us not able to love God and love people like we are truly meant to (and not even wanting to). Sin and selfishness strike at the heart of the relationship we were meant to have with God and also strike at the heart of human relationships.

Yet the Gospel (the good news) is that Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection is the key to the healing of our relationship with God and with one another. The spiritual freedom of Jesus Christ overcomes our fundamental slavery that separates us from God and people. We believe that when Christ claims individuals as his own, he doesn't just call them to a private relationship with him. Instead, he allows them to discover and grow to become like him through the church, the community Christ established and continues to build and perfect.

So the Church is not an institution or a place, but a people. It is not somewhere you go, something you attend, or someplace you visit. The church is not a place but a people; a movement; a counter-culture which is a snapshot of God's future.

What is Trinity? We are a community that believes that Jesus Christ is the only true source of lasting joy and life, and are discovering together what it means to both bring the gospel into the center of our individual lives and live out the implications of the gospel in our city for the joy of all people.

We are those who have committed themselves to follow Jesus Christ and also those who are skeptical/investigating. We understand that we are all "in process" and so our community is humble in our relationship to those who have different beliefs. A community is both what we already are and also what we pursue as we follow Jesus Christ. We are a worshiping community of love and forgiveness because we have experienced love and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.