Join us this Sunday - 10AM Gathered Worship, Barnes Elementary Gym (7809 E 76th St North, Owasso, OK 74055)

Sunday - 9:00AM Discipleship for All Ages

Join Us Sunday: 10am at Barnes Elementary

So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.  - Genesis 2:3

"Sabbath" is the Hebrew word for rest.  There depth in it's beauty and practice.

According to the Bible, Sabbath is about more than just taking time off. After creating the world, God looked around and saw that “it was very good” (Genesis 1:31). God did not just cease from his labor; he stopped and enjoyed what he had made. What does this mean for us? We need to stop to enjoy God, to enjoy his creation, to enjoy the fruits of our labor. The whole point of Sabbath is joy in what God has done!   - Tim Keller, "Wisdom & Sabbath Rest"


Check out these resources for further reflection, growth, and experience of this spiritual practice.


 Quiet Time Using the Trinity Bulletin.



"Wisdom and Sabbath Rest" by Tim Keller