Join us this Sunday - 10AM Gathered Worship, Barnes Elementary Gym (7809 E 76th St North, Owasso, OK 74055)

Sunday - 9:00AM Discipleship for All Ages

Join Us Sunday: 10am at Barnes Elementary

We talk a lot about work -- or your "calling" -- at Trinity because your work matters to God.

How do we live out the Gospel at work?

We encourage you to share the Good News of the Gospel with your colleagues and clients, but this is usually against company policy. What then? Should we undermine our employers? Must we leave our Christianity at home and operate by a different worldview at work?  

The Gospel at work matters.

God created this world good (Gen 1-2), but sadly it was destroyed by the Fall (Gen 3). The Good News is that God did not leave us to our own demise. By sending His Son He is graciously drawing a people to Himself (the Church) and renewing the fallen creation (Gen 4-Rev 20) by His Holy Spirit. By faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, the Gospel not only changes our individual status before God (through faith we are adopted as God's children, something we don't deserve) but the Gospel restores our sense of calling in the world for the good all people. Whether you are an engineer, accountant, plumber, doctor, teacher, stay-at-home parent or something else, Scripture shows us four ways (at least!) to live out our callings in light of the Gospel.


Operating clearly within the legal and moral codes of your field of expertise (Ex. 20; Dt. 5).


Enjoying the work itself and the thrill it brings to you (Gen. 1).


Telling others how God is restoring the world & inviting them to believe in Jesus (Matt. 28).


Performing the best quality of work for your employer & clients that you are capable of offering (1 Cor. 10:31; Eph. 4:28, 6:7; Col. 3).

The best way to begin to apply these truths is to join us at Trinity this Sunday!