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Join Us Sunday: 10am at Barnes Elementary

Evangelism and Apologetics Today


First off, “apologetics” is a reasoned defense of the faith. To teach “apologetically” does not mean to apologize for the Christian faith, but to defend it. Okay, now to the meat of this post. 

In light of Sunday's sermon on the great commission, I want to link an article that addresses the need for pre-evangelism today.  Pre-evangelism is the process of listening to others about their fundamental beliefs about the world before you share with them the good news of the gospel.  It helps us know how to share the good news with them as individuals.  

In short, Oklahoma is quickly becoming like the rest of the country which has a limited biblical vocabulary.  Fifty years ago we could assume words like "Church," "sin," "faith," "cross," were understood in the Biblical and Christian context from which they arose.  Today, that is no longer the case.  And this article from the Gospel Coalition does a great job of providing some resources that I wanted to share with you.  Enjoy: 

Ask and You Shall Evangelize, The Gospel Coalition
