Join us this Sunday - 10AM Gathered Worship, Barnes Elementary Gym (7809 E 76th St North, Owasso, OK 74055)

Sunday - 9:00AM Discipleship for All Ages

Sermons from May 2020

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The gift of the Holy Spirit

May 31, 2020 Pastor: Rev. Blake Altman Verse: John 14:15–20, John 16:7–15 Series: The Gospel of John

Five types of people (Part 2)

May 24, 2020 Pastor: Rev. Blake Altman Verse: John 12:1–11 Series: The Gospel of John

Five types of people (Part 1)

May 17, 2020 Pastor: Rev. Blake Altman Verse: John 11:45– 12:11 Series: The Gospel of John

John 11:28-44

May 10, 2020 Pastor: Rev. Scott Mitchell Verse: John 11:28–44 Series: The Gospel of John

Security of the Shepherd

May 3, 2020 Pastor: Rev. Blake Altman Verse: John 10:22–42 Series: The Gospel of John