7660 N. Memorial Drive, Owasso, OK 74055 GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION COMING SOON!
Barnes Elementary 7809 E 76th St N, Owasso, OK 74055
9am- Adult Discipleship
10am- Gathered Worship

As the end of the year approaches, I want to personally thank you for your generosity to Trinity in 2018. 

God continues to bless our church and supply our needs.  In addition to our general giving needs, we pledged to pay off our land in two years and begin investment into the design of our facility at 7660 N Memorial Dr.  What a remarkable and historic year for Trinity! Thank you. 

Several times this year I heard people say to me, “There are so many new people at Trinity who I don’t know.”   You’re right!  It is a weird dynamic to be in an accessible, relatively small church and yet not know everyone.  Trinity continues to draw from a wide geographic area. This year I pray you are able to meet a new friend or two and find the fellowship at Trinity even more sweet for you and your family or community group.  There are exciting things planned in 2019 to help you meet those new faces.

Last night as I preached at Hope in Bartlesville I was struck yet again by your wider impact in northeast Oklahoma. I see new faces at Hope almost every time I’m there, too!  Meanwhile in Grove, Mark Kuiper continues to share stories of new people around Grand Lake who find the community of Three Rivers unlike anything they've ever experienced and come to understand the gospel for the first time.  

In our first seven years we have witnessed the Holy Spirit plant three very strong churches from one courageous group of folks in 2011 who were desperate enough to invite Lauren and me to join the team.  I'm excited to see what 2019 holds for us as a regional church.    

But on this last day of 2018, I allow me to offer one final reminder for you to make any end-of-the-year donations before the clock strikes midnight.  If you miss the outgoing mail, you’re welcome to bring them by Trinity House and leave them the mailbox and we’ll get them to the finance team.  As always, you’re welcome to give online at give.trinityowasso.com.  Online giving continues to be the most utilized method of giving at Trinity.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday.  

Happy New Year in Christ our Lord,


Rev. Blake Altman
Lead Pastor