Join us this Sunday - 10AM Gathered Worship, Barnes Elementary Gym (7809 E 76th St North, Owasso, OK 74055)

Sunday - 9:00AM Discipleship for All Ages

Join Us Sunday: 10am at Barnes Elementary

Community Group Questions - December 11, 2016

The Lord Your God is With You

Read Joshua 23.  Share Sunday's sermon here.

Community Group Questions:

  1. What is the role of the church in nurturing and discipling our children, the “next generation”?
  2. Why does scripture remind believer so often to “remember”?
  3. Blake mentioned two ways of viewing the Christian life that undercuts the power of the gospel? What are those two ways? How is the gospel to be understood in distinction?
  4. Is it wrong to be scared into obedience? Why does God give such warnings in the middle of praise?
  5. If the fruit of our obedience is not moral progress to earn God’s acceptance, what is the result of our obedience?